Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Vegan - Whaaat?

Once upon a time in a not so distant past I tried to go vegan. It went as well as the Gimli Glider of 1983 - it wasn't too painful but it was definitely a nosedive into the ground. For one I did not plan it out. I just sat there contemplating one day and looked at Mike and said, “So, yeah, I’m going to go vegan”. He looked up and said, “Okay, I’ll do it with you”. We had/have our negative views on the treatment animals on large farms and the way they’re ultimately treated with it comes to the slaughter house, good word for it. If an animal is going to give up their life to sustain yours, then it should be treated with a little more love and dignity through out its life and even when it comes time to take its life.

Seeing as we don’t quite have our own farm to treat the animals as we please and what not, vegan seemed like the way to go. Not only for that but health reasons. Anything dairy makes Mike want to sleep in the other room due to my doom farts and red meat upsets his already penetrable stomach issues. As for Zakai, we really just don’t want to introduce too much meat to him at all. He does love farm fresh eggs though!

As for our crash landing with the diet, it lasted a solid 2ish weeks to which then we transitioned to a more vegetarian diet. Not even a month later we were at Apple Bees splitting a boneless wing appetizer. It tasted amazing, but I felt awful later.

So here it goes. I’m going to do it again, Mike says he’s going to go along with it, but we’ll see how long he can last without his beer and bacon nights. Zakai will stay on his norm diet; I’m not going to subject my 10 month old to my experiments, obviously.

Call it my new years resolution or not, but I’m tired. I’m tired of my post pregnancy body, I’m tired of my go to anything diet that I pay for later in the day, and I’m just literally tired. I fully believe that if I keep to this change then all that will change. In the few weeks that I kept with the vegan diet…. Hold it

You know. The more I think about it the more I realize that I’m wrong here. I hear from so many other vegans that it’s not a diet, and they are so right. It’s a life style. It’s a belief in what you’re doing as something right.

So… In the few weeks that I kept with the vegan stuff I treated it like a diet and not a lifestyle That will be my change this time around along with planning more thoroughly. And yes, I’ve done my research in the past. I know all the proteins, vitamins, and minerals I need. I also know what to get them from vegan wise. I know I can’t live super healthy on bananas like Freelee the Banana girl.

Here's to a 'new' change. I'll be starting it fully this Saturday when I get my next pay check, ha. Also, for those of you interested, I'll be posting on here my weekly meal plan and shopping list for the week since I'll be shopping for my meals weekly instead of biweekly like I used to. I just said "week" in that paragraph so much it actually made me uncomfortable....

I do plan on just kind of winging it after my first month tho; hopefully I'll be comfortable enough by then to do so because I tell you what - I've been planning my meal plan for an hour now with the needed ingredients and everything and its kind of a pain in the rump. 

Ta ta for now my lovelies!

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